I am Chaim the son of Eidel and Nachman.

I come from Kiminov, Galicia. I live at 317 East 4th Street

This book belongs to Chaim, the son of Nachman Gold. He who will study from this book should think of me, “Chaim, the son of Nachman Gold. May this merit stand me in good stead. I ask my dear children that they do not sell my books, but to place them where they will be studied from. By so doing my soul shall be benefited.

My Dear Children – I beg you to be honest in your business dealings. You should love G-D and humanity. Do not conduct any business on the Sabbath. You should give charity liberally. Do not do anyone any harm. Be kind and generous to people. Honor and show respect to your mother and father. Be respectful towards the pious.

You should always keep your word. Your promise should be as a vow. Observe and honor the Sabbath and the Jewish Holidays. Do not engage in any kind of work, nor to write or ride. Should you suffer from monetary loss because of your observance of the Sabbath and Holidays, be assured that the Almighty will recompense you doubly for it.

I beg of you dear children that after I pass on, you should give my books to a place where they will be studied from.